Biến tần HpMont HD09-2s0p7GMS mất 1 pha ra-tmnsoft (2)

Mã lỗi biến tần hpmont – Fault alarm description and counter-measures


Fault Reasons of fault Counter-measures
-Lu- DC bus undervoltage At the begining of powering on
and at the end of powering off
Input voltage is too low
Improper wiring leads to
undervoltage of hardware
It is normal status of powering on
and powering off
Please check input power voltage
Please check wiring and wire the
inverter properly
E0001 Inverter output
overcurrent (in Acc.
Improper connection between
inverter and motor
Improper motor parameters
The rating of the used inverter is
too small
Acc. / Dec. time is too short
Instant stop occurs, the running
motor is restarted
Connect the inverter and motor
Please set correct motor parameters
(F08.00 – F08.04, F13.01 – F13.05)
Select inverter with higher rating
Please set proper Acc. time and Dec.
time (F03.01 – F03.08)
Please set start mode to be speed
tracking (F02.00 = 2)
E0002 Inverter output
overcurrent (in Dec.
E0003 Inverter output
overcurrent (in
constant speed
E0004 DC bus over voltage
(in Acc. process)
Input voltage is too high
Deceleartion time is too short
Improper wiring leads to
overvoltage of hardware
Instant stop occurs, the running
motor is restarted
Improper selection of the braking
Please check power input
Please set a proper value for Dec.
time (F03.02, F03.04, F03.06, F03.08)
Please check wiring and wire the
inverter properly
Please set start mode to be speed
tracking (F02.00 = 2)
Select according to the
recommended braking devices of
user manual
E0005 DC bus over voltage
(in Dec. process)
E0006 DC bus over voltage
(in constant speed
Fault Reasons of fault Counter-measures
E0007 Stall overvoltage Bus voltage is too high
The setting of stall overvoltage is
too low
Please check power input or the
function of brake
Set the value of stall overvoltage
E0008 Fault of power
Short circuit between phases
Short circuit to the ground
Output current is too high
Power module is damaged
Please check the connection and
connect the wire properly
Please check the connection and
connect the wire properly
Please check the connection and
Please contact the supplier for
E0009 Heatsink overheat Ambient temperature is too high
Inverter external ventilation is not
Fan fault
Fault occurs to temperature
detection circuit
Please use inverter with higher power
Improve the ventilation around the
Replace the cooling fan
Please seek technical support
E0010 Fault of braking unit Circuit fault of braking unit Please seek technical support
E0011 CPU fault CPU abnormal Please detect at power on after
completely power outage
Please seek technical support
E0012 Parameters
auto-tuning fault
Parameter auto-tuning is time out Please check the motor’s connection
Input the correct motor parameters
(F08.00 – F08.04, F13.01 – F13.05)
Please seek technical support
E0013 Contactor is not
Contactor fault
Fault of control circuit
Replace the contactor
Please seek technical support
E0014 Fault of current
detection circuit
Current detection circuit is
Please contact the supplier for
E0015 Fault of input phase For three-phase input inverter, input
phase loss fault occurs to power
Please check the three-phase power
Please seek technical support
E0016 Fault of output
Output phase disconnection or loss
Heavy imbalance of inverter’s
three-phase load
Please check the connection between
inverter and motor
Please check the quality of motor
E0017 Inverter overload Acc. time is too short
Improper setting of V/f curve or
torque boost leads to over current
Instant power-off occurs, the
running motor is restarted
Mains supply voltage is too low
Motor load is too high
Adjust Acc. time (F03.01, F03.03,
F03.05, F03.07)
Adjust V/f curve (F09.00 – F09.06) or
torque boost (F09.07, F09.08)
Please set start mode to be speed
tracking (F02.00 = 2)
Please check mains supply voltage
Please use inverter with proper power
Fault Reasons of fault Counter-measures
E0018 Inverter output is
Load disappeared or comes down
Parameters are not set properly
Please check load and mechanical
transmission devices
Please set the parmeters properly
(F20.03 – F20.05)
E0019 Motor overload Improper setting of V/f curve
Mains supply voltage is too low
Normal motor runs for a long time
with heavy load at low speed
Motor’s overload protection factor
is not set properly
Motor runs with blocked torque or
load is too heavy
Adjust the setting of V/f curve (F09.00 –
Check the power input
Please use special motor if the motor
needs to operate for a long time with
heavy load
Please properly set the overload
protection factor of the motor
Please check the load and mechanical
transmission devices
E0020 Motor overheat Motor overheat
The setting of motor paramteters is
Reduce the load; Repaire or replace
the motor; Increase the Acc. / Dec.
time (F03.01 – F03.08)
Set the motor parameter (F08.00 –
F08.04, F13.01 – F13.05)
E0021 Access fault of
Control board
Memory circuit fault of control
board EEPROM
Please contact the supplier for
E0022 Access fault of
keypad EEPROM
Memory circuit fault of keypad
Replace the keypad
Please contact the supplier for
E0023 Fault setting of
The power rating between motor
and inverter is too different
Improper setting of motor
Select an inverter with suitable power
Please set correct value of motor
parameters (F08.00 – F08.04, F13.01 –
E0024 Fault of external
Fault terminal of external
equipment operates
Please check external equipment
E0025 PID reference loss Analogue reference signal is smaller
than F20.12
Analogue input circuit fault
Please check the connection
Please seek technical support
E0026 PID feedback loss Analogue setting signal is smaller
than F20.14
Analogue input circuit fault
Please check the connection
Please seek technical support
E0027 PID feedback out of
Analogue setting signal is bigger
than F20.16
Analogue input circuit fault
Please check the connection
Please seek technical support
E0028 SCI communication
Connection fault of Communication
Disconnected or not well
Please check the connection
Fault Reasons of fault Counter-measures
E0029 SCI communication
Connection fault of Communication
Disconnected or not well connected
Communication setting error
Communication data error
Please check the connection
Please check the connection
Please correctly set the
communication format (F17.00) and
the baud rate (F17.01)
Send the data according to MODBUS

Mã lỗi biến tần hpmont